Saturday, May 25, 2019

Gardian Angel Essay

The withstander angel is a unique spiritual being that I find very interesting to talk about and real in every way and this is based on facts that happened to other individuals and from my own personal experience. A guardian angel in my opinion is a protector that guards you or a group of batch from evil and can also guide you with the toughest of times. I gestate a guardian angel is given powers from the good man upstairs. Guardian is to guard and angel is an angel sent from God.Religious people who have faith and believe in God are more typical to believe in guardian angels. It is a blessing from the good headmaster to have a guardian angel walk by your side. A guardian angel is like a shadow and is always in that respect to help you from the evil. The little miracles that happen to a family or a person are the work of God and his helpers, the Guardian angel. For example, the time when I was eleven years venerable and I was helping my uncle Don paint a Dennys restaurant.I wa s up on the upper deck painting the ceiling when I went withal much on the side and fell straight down, at least 13 feet from the top. My uncle Don said that he found me on a business deal of tarps sleeping. I know that I had a guardian angel looking over me at the time it was as if my guardian angel took control of my carcass providing me some wings to slow me down from a bad and dangerous fall. The evil things that we are sometimes surrounded by are when a guardian angel is most needed and present themselves. other example is when Congress woman Gaby Giffords got shot in the head and even doctors thought there was no chance she would remember who she was, or even live for that matter. But she overcame all the challenges that bestowed her. A lot of people, who did not believe in the lord in advance are finding themselves believing now since Gaby Giffords situation. Her guardian angel interceded for her and helped her so that the bullet would not go in the area that would kill h er.Another time was when I was living in Los Angeles. I was in middle school walking home with my little brother Ricky and we got held up by tintinnabulation bangers. They had held a knife to my throat with my feet dangling in the air. I dont know how we got out of that alive but I do believe it was my guardian angel. In conclusion my personal definition of a guardian angel is a spiritual being that guards, guides and provides safety to people at whatever point or time of need and danger in their lives.

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